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Poland lodówki 2006-05-08
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Canada joeyfiasco 2006-05-08
total bullshit then it rains

I'm Joey fiasco thanks for allowing me to sign your guestbook the Toronto Music Scene is in need of some originality thats why I offer you.. total bullshit then it rains..or Rock-out...Or No shame...I don't know what the New c/d will be called but the songs are written and we have gone into the studio and we are experimenting with the space....This record is so honest you'll be ashamed to play it in raw you'll deny likeing it ...It will make you feel dirty....Enjoy.... "I could have used a little more cowbell"
United Kingdom Vlad 2006-05-06
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United Kingdom John 2006-04-30
Not bad.
Really not bad site!
0 titi 2006-04-29
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